This cleanse worthy, delicious Madras Curry Soup is infinitely more life-sustaining than the cookie.
As I write this, I am eating an oatmeal chocolate-chip cookie. Ray and I made a few dozen of them last night. This is the first cookie that I have eaten in about six months (actually, the third. I had two last night. I was celebrating Solstice.) There was a time, in the middle of the year, when I was making gf-chocolate chip cookies every few weeks. This stopped when I did a cleanse. As happens every time I stop for a few weeks, my sugar cravings went away and I haven’t needed anything sweeter than fruit since. A week ago, I did make Christmas sugar cookies to celebrate my stepdaughter visiting (outdoors) from San Francisco. But they were made with regular flour so my gluten sensitivity kept me from indulging. I loved watching the family enjoy them. Truly. Garrett, my stepson, gave them a good review a la judge from the Great British Baking Show. I had deep satisfaction as he described the cookie’s “crumb.”
Last night, after my two cookies, I felt satiated. I knew that I would not need another for a while. I had come so far from the days when one cookie just made me want another.
But then, hungry from the cold, and procrastinating writing here, I had that cookie during paragraph one, only 12 hours after the ones from last evening. I am eating seaweed snacks right now to remove the taste of the cookie from my mouth. I have overcome. “Crowding-out” with healthier choices really does work.
There was a time when I was as controlled by sugar cravings as I later would be by cigarettes. It’s been a journey.
As a child, making cookies was my favorite hobby. Every time friends came over, we made toll house cookies, being sure to take large samples during the butter blended with sugar stage. In between cookie baking sessions, I made do with Oreos and Chips Ahoy, or I filled a spoon with butter and then dipped this into the box of Dominos brown sugar. I was rebelling against the expectations that came with being a ballet dancer. Even more, I was filling my hollow spaces with something sweet. Unfortunately, one cookie or jelly donut was never going to be enough.
I realized, last night, how far I have come. With a lot of luck and some hard work the sources of sweetness in my life far outweigh the bitter. I don’t have to reach for the cookie to feel joy. And, from experience, I know that if I have them in the house - the cookies or the ice cream or the chocolate - they will possibly (depending on my day) act like the seductive Sirens in the Odyssey, calling me away from everything else in my world. I will keep this batch in the freezer through Christmas. I pledge to have lots left to give to loved ones and (along with other food) to Atlanta’s 99Fridge - a way to help feed the hungry in our community.
If you are ready to get rid of your cravings, to build up your immune system in this precarious environment, and to begin your new year with a stronger, clearer mind and body, join us for Release and Reveal 2021. We start preparing on Jan. 4. There will be a private FB group, a menu plan, new recipes and lots more. It is much easier to make good choices when you are doing so with the support of a group.
In the meantime, have a wonderful holiday, with whatever you may crave.
Lots of love,